Depart Branford CT 07:10 Arr. Manhassett Bay 2:10
The morning started out cool and overcast but shortly became sunny and warm. Wind was zero and the Sound was like glass. What a day! Lest you think this is all fun, last night the head would not empty into the holding tank. Pat took the helm, and I worked on the head. There is no worse job on a boat than a broken head (for you landlubbers, a "head" is a marine toilet). The culprit turned out to be lime deposits at a bend in the hose between the head and the tank. Sounds simple, but only a short piece of each end of the hose was accessible. What I needed, but didn't bring was a plumber's snake. Necessity, being the mother of invention, I took a 3' piece of antenna cable (thanks Bob) taped a wire coat hanger to it and spent the beautiful day in a stinky space trying to clean out the inside of a hose! Pay back is a bitch, but perserverance paid off and the head now flushes. In case you are wondering why I didn't replace it, it will require removal of several boat components.
So, now we are sitting on a mooring (free) in Manhassett Harbor, to tired to go ashore and have some fun. We met fellow Loopers Maureen & Peter Mezei on a 36' Monk trawler called Duddon Pilot here and we will cruise together up the Harlem R. into the Hudson R. and Half Moon Bay Marina.
How come the Captain always ends up doing the repair on the head? Looking forward to your photos. Hello to Pat. Smooth sailing. Watch carefully along the Hudson River near the Tappan Zee Bridge, this is the time of year that Ichabod Crane may be seen along the river bank being chased by the Headless Horseman.